About people born on JULY 14 leap or JULY 15 common years


Today, I will tell you about people born on July 14 leap years or July 15 common years.

This person belongs to a category of cheerful people, but her cheerfulness is specifically expressed mostly among members of the same household and those whom she considers to be friend or family. On the outside, this quality is illustrated by the fact that this person’s opinions, thoughts, and even instructions that they give are made with a smile. This person likes to communicate and tell people kind and pleasant things. If there are no significant health problems, then a pink-checked lady appears before us. People always say she has a healthy complexion. The cheerful nature of this person is expressed through their ability to laugh for no particular reason and joke around simply for the sake of fun.

She adores different types of festivals, carnivals, and parties—anywhere joy is present. In this sense, she would like her entire life to be one endless New Year’s Eve party—her favorite holiday. At New Years Eve, the world shines and sparkles; there are disco balls, confetti, laughter, gifts, and jokes. By the way, this person very much likes to give and receive gifts. This is the kind of person who couldn’t be bored, even at funeral—she will attempt to make even the saddest gathering cheerful. She lives by the principle, "To die with music!"

This person is very positive by nature. Even in the most disgusting or unpleasant of circumstances or things, she will manage to find good. She also possesses a rare quality—the ability to be happy for the successes of other people. She is a person who is sincere, devoted and very benevolent. Her style of behavior tends to be one in which it is not necessary to act like anything, and is possible to be sincere, fair, and hide nothing. She also knows how to be grateful. And the self-perception of this person is also rather positive—she considers herself fine and noble both in shape and soul; in other words, she loves and values herself.

This person loves life in general. Her cheerfulness is expressed everywhere, with no limitations. She has an intellectual appetite in the form of curiosity, a drive for knowledge, and healthy nutritional and sexual appetite, and so on. This person’s positivity and love for life is also expressed in that she considers herself eternally young, no matter how old she may be. She also does everything to remain that way and never stops proactively maintaining her youth. She does this in spite of the fact that, at times, it may be difficult for her, since a stormy life full of numerous physical joys can take a toll.

If this person lived about three hundred years ago, it is not impossible, that she would be involved in alchemy, searching for the philosopher’s stone, a pill for immortality, or the fountain of youth. Despite all of her goodwill, the given individual will always rigidly defend her right to live in with pleasure in the world. She always firmly stands her ground on her views when she it is time to defend her principles. One of these principles is the principle of pleasure. She will never let anyone take that away from her. This person searches for pleasure and always finds it in a diversified variety of situations and places. The range can be very broad—from the brothel to the opera; from the desert to a glacier. She will, however, always declare her adherence to moral principles.

Also, it is in this person’s nature to be an eternal seeker of truth and wisdom, always looking for new solutions and deeper, workable philosophies of life as a universal remedy from all troubles and misfortunes. In this way, this person may become a nun, monk, or member of a cult. (It is necessary to note that this person would still be a very cheerful nun or monk, and will not lose passion for physical love even in the monastery.) She likes to search for ancient knowledge and treasures. She thinks that everything that is possible to find or dig out must be found; from gold, diamonds, and semi-precious stones to ancient unique constructions or manuscripts. When there is unknown knowledge in the world—something that has not been discovered or researched—this person feels discomfort and anxiety.

But on the other hand, it may frighten her that, in order to receive knowledge, it is necessary at times to take new roads. It is much more comfortable for this person when someone has already paved the way to the truth, and the fast track to clear understanding can be taken. A passion for material assets is not alien to this person; money, gold, and luxury can easily tickle her fancy. However, while being the fan of “the good life”, this lady has the ability to happily manage herself with little money, even when her bank account has significant funds in it. As an independent lady, she can lead a rather modest lifestyle with no problems.

The prosperity and happiness of this woman is illustrated in how she presents herself; usually as a noble lady who possesses superhuman abilities and meets many opportunities. She also wishes to be a person who has committed her life to goodness, belief, hope, love, and other important values. For this person, if there is bread - great! If there is rice – even better! If there is roof above her head - perfect! For her, it is better to be simple, to live simpler. Straws under her head instead of a pillow - wonderful! There is some hard bread - remarkable! To her it is not stimulation or comfort that brings happiness to a person. And the love this lady has for heavy metal styles can come out in a form that can transform her life into one of the seasoned adventure-seeker, like Indiana Jones.

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Respectfully yours,
Special scientific information-analytical Laboratory
the “Catalog of Human Population” GP