About people born on SEPT 10 leap or SEPT 11 common years

Greetings ladies and gentlemen!

Today, I would like to talk about people born on September 10 leap years or September 11 common years.

This person corresponds, in the best way possible, to the image of “the good guy”. Decent, lovely, friendly, open, sincere, and fair, this person lives the simple, quiet life of a humble citizen. He makes the impression of a person who is extremely modest and not interested in standing out due to personal qualities or wealth. He is not inclined to brag about his dignity, talents or social status.

In social settings, this individual is likely to create an image of a person of minor importance alongside other, more significant individuals. When communicating, this person is always willing to emphasize the superiority of another in practically everything. Even if those in his company, inspired by the sensation of self importance, starts to mention merits and qualities of this person out of politeness, he will modestly say, "Oh, what do you know?! I am an insignificant person.”
This person is never inclined to emphasize his social status no matter how important it is. Rather, he is trying to appear as a person who is insignificant in comparison to others. Despite his real achievements, he will never brag about his abilities or talents. This tends to obscure his worth, so he may seem like an ordinary person even when he is, in fact, quite valuable.

Despite any financial success, he tries to present himself as a rather impoverished. He may own a magnificent private estate, for instance, yet he will not praise it, show it off, or give the slightest indication as to how expensive everything is. On the contrary, he is inclined to present it as some kind of barn, shanty, or a shack of a beggar. He may arrive in a beautiful, luxurious limousine, but he would try to persuade his interlocutor, that it’s just a "rusty can" or piece of junk, no better than a bicycle. This person will never stand out or boast. He is more likely to present himself as a person on the verge of self-destruction. He is capable of implanting the sensation of unquestionable superiority over him in the minds of those he communicates with. It is impossible to doubt his sincerity, since all his comments are smart and subtle—almost masterful; they seem childish and indirect, presented in such a non-intrusive way that there is no sense of clear, plain English. He has a talent for exercising several variations of very delicate and graceful flattery.

All of the aforementioned is connected to the fact that this individual meticulously calculates, in great detail, all elements and factors of behavior in any social interaction. When interacting with people, this person becomes irreplaceable because he is so pleasant to communicate, be friends, or have business with. Indeed, almost everyone likes to hear something pleasant about them or feel significant in comparison to others. Anyone who experiences this will not want to stop talking with him. A person with this program perfectly understands that if he does not claim personal superiority in interaction, he considerably weakens the chance of potential aggression and resistance from other people.

Positioning himself so that he is not a competitor to the people he interacts with, he puts down their guard, weakens their vigilance, and suppresses potential aggression and tension that might otherwise be directed at him. He phenomenally and authentically plays the role of an insignificant individual who doesn't claim anything and readily agrees to take a secondary position. He can ingeniously portray himself as an open, sincere softie. Presenting himself in such a way, he confuses the potential competitor or opponent in advance, with his unpretentiousness. He disarms them with his softness and modesty. And consequently this person is extremely effective in struggle for authority in business, politics, and in any relations. In fact, he is always prepared to compete against an opponent who matches his strength.

In his aspiration to authority and superiority, this person chooses ingenious tactics of capturing authority in humbleness. With his ostentatious willingness to take supporting positions and to belittle his worth, he calmly, peacefully, politely, unostentatiously, very simply and effectively lulls the vigilance of his potential opponents. Not one to start an open fight, he more likely will choose to go with a principle of Judo in which, unlike Karate, he uses his opponent’s strength to defeat them. He accurately plays the part of a person with no ambitions; a person with modest demands and small-scale plans, as if to say, “You have important business and I just take care of simple tasks,” and, “my part is insignificant.”

Since he is masterfully representing himself as a person incapable of aiming for greatness or starting a fight, he chooses the tactics of least resistance and wins. One might call him the master of cunning, who has a talent for competently applying advanced principles of military strategy. This person, striving to achieve high social status and influence, striving to become the patriarch, leader, and the one irreplaceable person in his community, will never reveal his aspiration to dominate through his behavior or speech.

On the contrary, he demonstrates a desire to remain in the shadow, despite his talents or merits, in every possible way. Looking at him, one can hardly think that this nice, modest man strives to actually monopolize any business he participates in or wield authority in any group. He has an uncontrollable, despotic temper and a palpable inclination towards criminal activities. Yet, he can skillfully hide it behind such social slogans as “for beauty and kindness”, “for harmony and consent”, “for humanism and world peace”, “for our Country”, “for friendship and understanding”, “for humanity”, or “for the preservation of moral standards”.

Having a unique ability to speak open-heartedly, he gains a huge advantage since nobody has any doubts that he is a firm believer of his proclaimed ideas. However, these words usually differ from the truth within. This individual is a great example of effective adaptation to a social environment. As they say, "still waters run deep". Self-humiliation and naive flattery are among the usual tactics that this person uses. It is very easy for this person to act like this because it is absolutely insincere; it’s just a game to him. In fact, he treats other people rather disdainfully. But in the end, it is possible to say that this person is adequately equipped to handle any environment.

For additional information please visit www.catalogofhumanpopulation.org. Good-bye!

Respectfully yours,
Special scientific information-analytical Laboratory
the “Catalog of Human Population” GP